Ratings: A Quick Overview

Each movie is rated out of 10 with 0 being the worst and 10 being the best. Here's a quick rundown on what the numbers mean:

0/10 - Thoroughly reprehensible, this movie should be destroyed thoroughly and completely. Chances are, I will hate this movie with every fiber of my being and never shut up about how much I hate it. If you enjoyed a 0/10 movie of mine, you are wrong and this friendship is over.
1/10 - Pure garbage and a stain on the tapestry of cinematic history. Disregard completely.
2-4/10 - Almost totally awful, but there are a few things that save this movie...a little.
5/10 - Nothing worth mentioning again.
6/10 - Below average.
7-9/10 - Most movies will probably fall under this range. These are movies worth seeing and 9/10 movies have a shot at being some of my favorites.
10/10 - Without question, I will love this movie until my dying day, recommend it to everyone I see, and will issue the beatdown on all naysayers. If you dislike a perfect 10 movie of mine, you are wrong and I hope your parents leave you out of their will.

Please note that all ratings are relative and even subject to change.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

The Breakfast Club (1985)

The part where they sit around and talk about how miserable their family lives are reminds me of every sleepover I've been to since the sixth grade. Another one of my favorites. The late John Hughes knew teenagers better than most teenagers.


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